The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him – Psalms 28:7 NKJV
You are unique – you have your gifts, talents and calling. God didn’t make a mistake with you, all that you are came prepackaged to help you navigate life and live to His glory.
What you need to do is explore ways that you can use what you have been given to live your best life. Polish, hone, craft, and invest in all that you are. Do not be satisfied with living in mediocrity, rather, strive to get better every day.
The experience that life brings your way is all part of the plan, even the ones that made you cry.
You are equipped to live that life because God has great plans for you.
Sing🎤God’s got a blessing (with my name on it!)
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