As humans, we all have limitations in that we don’t know more than what we can perceive with our human senses. Who wouldn’t like to know what tomorrow will be like if my decision today is right. The consciousness of these limitations in an ever-changing universe has made us always seek direction and knowledge beyond the physical. Soothsayers and astrologers for centuries unknown have and still make their living by allegedly showing men the unknown. As believers, we fill this void by seeking to hear from God. Beyond the need for answers to the world’s mysteries, we often seek to hear the voice of God as verification of his existence and sometimes as surety of our relationship with him. Jesus himself said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” John 10:27. Hearing God is proof that we are his children.
· To Experience True fellowship
Unlike some people who have erroneously come to believe, God is not just that big guy sitting in the heavens and controlling everything that happens here. No, God is a person and can be as lowly and personal as possible. He is the father who had the habit of leaving his throne in the evenings to fellowship with Adam and Eve. He is the savior who left his throne in heaven to dwell among men for 33 years. He is the spirit who continually resides in the saints and will be with them forever. All this shows that God has always desired and still desires intimacy with a man. He wants to dwell and converse with us as friends. He wants to be our personal friend. He wants to speak to us as much as we want to hear from him. He desires to have such genuine fellowship with us.
· To Fulfill Our Destinies As Believers
What qualifies anyone to be a believer is salvation. This is the point where we acknowledge the redemptive work of Christ. The Bible says, “for he hath made him be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. This implies an exchange. What happens at salvation is an exchange of life, purpose, and destiny. It is where we trade our sinful guilt-ridden life for his pure and divine life. “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. The believer’s true purpose and destiny can only be defined in Christ. We only stand perfect when we stand in his will. We can only know his will when we accurately hear him. Hence hearing God is the secret to fulfilling destiny.
· For direction in our daily lives
At a different point in time in our lives as believers, life presents us with hurdles and challenges. We often crossroads where we are required to make essential decisions beyond our mental abilities. At these points in our lives, it becomes imperative for us to hear the voice of God. Instruction at the right time might be the difference between life and death
The need to hear God is not often a subject of debate as most people desire to seek to hear God. On the other hand, the issue is often how to hear from God.
This question is a riddle every believer must solve at one point or the other in their lives. Many a time, God speaks to us, but we often miss his voice due to our misconception about the voice of God. We often expect to see a burning bush or a loud voice. However, God speaks to men differently and may not reach out to two different people the same way. Therefore, it is essential to know that God works in diverse ways and not be stereotypical in our thinking. God’s dealing with us as his children is very personal. As we grow in God, we become accustomed to his voice until we have mastered hearing him.
· Renew your mind
Because God frequently communicates with you through your mind and wants you to acquire what the Bible refers to as the “mind of Christ” (the ability to make decisions as Jesus would), it’s critical that you follow the Bible’s advice in Romans 12:2: “Do not follow the world’s pattern but be changed by the renewing of your mind.” Then you’ll be able to put God’s will to the test and approve it as good, pleasant, and perfect.” Every day, when you let the Holy Spirit renew your mind, He will purge it of dirt and clutter such as incorrect beliefs and attitudes, unpleasant sentiments, and ill-conceived plans. The Holy Spirit then replaces all of it with the truth of God’s Word.
· Stay on God’s Word:
It is often said that if you want to hear God, then open your Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. It contains the speaking of God both explicitly through the words of Jesus and implied through His dealings with men as recorded in the Bible. The Bible contains precepts of God valid for all generations, climes s, and times. It contains the will of God regarding all aspects of life. If only men would learn to read his Word, God is always speaking. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit inspired the scriptures. Therefore, they are not just letters; they are spirit and life.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” 2Timothy 3:16
“It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life John” 6:13.
· When you read the written Word, invite the living Word to assist you.
When you prayerfully read God’s written message – the Bible – the Word of God is alive, creative force – Jesus Himself – and He is actively at work. Ask Jesus to make the Bible’s words come alive for you and to become conduits through which He communicates His ideas, faith, and love into your spirit as you read it. Then concentrate on what He sends you and align yourself with it so that it can begin to change your life.
· Recognize that God communicates with you in various ways, the most common of which is through your thinking.
God may speak to you in various ways, depending on what is ideal at different times and in different circumstances. God’s message can come to you in various ways, including angels, visions, and miraculous happenings. But more often than not, you’ll hear God speak to you through your ideas. He’ll use commonplace behaviors like reading the Bible, praying silently, learning from your circumstances, or seeking advice from other Christians to reach out to you as you consider them. When necessary, God will use dramatic ways to grab your attention, but His ultimate desire is for you to be so near to Him that you will pay attention to Him at all times. Usually, God speaks through what people have described as a “still, small voice” to encourage those He loves to choose to keep walking closely with Him through life.
· Learn to listen
“Speak, for your servant is listening,” Samuel said. Listening is an art, and it’s even more critical when hearing God’s voice. We say “listening to God,” but God communicates in ways that aren’t audible. It’s a thought that comes to mind, an unexpected insight, a flash of knowledge, a revelation, a burst of comprehension, a sensation of comfort, a sense of God’s presence, and awareness of Jesus’ heart’s proximity. God’s voice has a particular tone and a unique sound. We can learn to distinguish God’s voice from all the others, just as you can distinguish your mother’s voice from a cacophony of other voices.
God still speaks to His children today, and you can hear his voice. He wants to hold your hand and walk you through the dark times. Take time to practice hearing from God and journal everything God says to you. As you make it a practice to commune with him, you will experience a deeper level of fellowship with him.
One Response
These words brought great insight and life to me!