Have you ever stopped and asked yourself the question: “why am I here?” Am I simply a consequence of biological fusion, or is there more to my existence? Does God have a plan for me? Is there a deeper meaning to life than just living?
You may have tried to follow a career path or a particular passion you have, hoping to find fulfillment or hoping that this was your life’s purpose, but you are still not sure if this is God’s divine plan for your life. You may be feeling lost at sea, and in dire need of a compass to show you the way.
It is okay to be bothered about this, you are not alone. We all get to this junction at some point. Humans are different from animals in that we were created with a sense of meaning and purpose and this is why you are bothered by these thoughts. As we begin to come to self-realization, a barging consciousness of the need to attach meaning and definition to our life begins to weigh in on us. Your life is beyond waking up and going to work and earning a living and going to bed at the end of the day only to repeat the cycle the next day. You are made for more and the good news is, you can unravel the reason for your existence. God desires that you are fully aware of your life’s purpose and he is willing to help you discover it.
“He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness and light dwell with him” Daniels 2:22NIV.
Imagine you just bought a new phone, say an iPhone, but you are having difficulty understanding the features of the phone because you have never used an iPhone before. Who do you think is the best person to consult to guide you through the different functions on the phone? The manufacturer of course. That is why the manual was included in the phone package when you bought it. The manual contains the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines on how to use the product.
God is the manufacturer of every man upon the face of the earth and we are his products. “The lord god formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being”: Genesis 2:7KJV
Every of God’s products has a unique design and characteristics. You are unique and specially made. There is no other person like you upon the earth. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, you are the pinnacle of God’s creative venture, you have a specific purpose in God and only God can reveal it to you.
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”; Ephesians 2:10 NIV.
“For you formed my inward parts, you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalms139:13-14.
The kind of God described in this bible passage does not sound to me as one who just decided to try a creative adventure without purpose in mind. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. You were meticulously designed to fulfill a unique purpose.
You are God’s project, he is intentional about what he wants to achieve in you and through you. You were created for something big, not mundane.
Your purpose in God predates you. It was assigned to you from eternity. God is not confused about your purpose. He has created you with talents, character, uniqueness, gifts etc. to help you fulfill your purpose. You can discover it!
You were created on purpose, for a purpose and with a purpose. You are not a mistake.
- You must first become a child of God; until you become a child of God, you don’t have the right to be guided or instructed by God. You become a child of God by believing and receiving Jesus as Lord.
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name”; John 1:12.
Becoming a son of God is what positions you for receiving instructions from God. If you haven’t made the decision yet, you can make it today, right now. There is an endless world of possibilities and help waiting for you if only you will become His child.
- Ask your Father (God): no good father loves to see his child confused and unhappy. God is our father in heaven, and he wants you to be happy and have clarity. If you ask him as a son, he will answer you as a father. We ask from God through prayers. Prayer is not just communication with God, and it is communion with him. It is a place where God reveals secrets about you to you. You really don’t want to miss such a profound opportunity to be in fellowship with your father, the creator of the heavens and the earth.
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7.
- Study God’s manual, the Bible; Charles Spurgeon once said; “if you want to know what God is thinking, he wrote it down”. The bible is God’s manufacturer manual and it is a compendium of God’s thoughts concerning you.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path; Psalm 119:105
God’s word is not just informative, it is also instructive. As you study and meditate on the word of God, you begin to receive illumination and understanding concerning God’s will for your life.
- Look inwards; pay attention to your passions, interests, talents, gifts, motivation. These were inputted in you by God to help fulfill your purpose.
“For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey him and then helping you do what he wants”; Philippians 2:13
God created you with these unique abilities within you to help you fulfill your purpose. They can be a very good pointer to what your purpose is. Begin to take a deeper look at yourself and identify your areas of uniqueness.
- Surround yourself with wise counselors and get advice from them. One of the reasons why the community is so crucial is because we need each other’s wisdom. There are people who have been able to find their God-given purpose and are fulfilling it. They may be your church Pastor, friends, even your colleagues at your workplace. Seek advice from them. They can serve as a compass to show you the way.
“Plans go wrong with too few counselors; many counselors bring success; Proverbs 15:22” LB
- Trust God; trying to discover God’s purpose for your life can seem overwhelming. But you can trust God to lead you where he wants you to go. Follow his leadings daily and you will not miss your purpose.
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delights in his way.” Psalms 37:23.
Every good parent who gives their kids a task to do always ensures that they equip them with the tools to fulfill it. After you have discovered your purpose, you might begin to get weighed down by the immenseness of the task ahead; you begin to feel fear sip in to discourage you from starting out along your path of purpose; this is not uncommon. The truth is, on your own, you might not have the capacity to carry out your life assignment. But God did not just plan your life; he also has the provision to help you accomplish his plan for you.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future”; Jeremiah29:11
For as long as I can remember, when my parents told me to go to school, I was never bothered about how the fees were going to be paid. They were the ones that sent me to school, it was their business to pay the bills while it was my business to do what I was told to do at school. When you set out in obedience to fulfill God’s will and plan for your life, God is obliged to pay the bills. It’s on God, not on you.
You are God’s partner in fulfilling his desire. You set out to do his bidding. He fulfills his part by supporting you with everything you need to ensure that your joint business doesn’t crash. The key is to trust him. He is faithful. You can rest assured; he’ll never fail.
Dear friend, you were created for a purpose. You have a calling and a mission to fulfill in Christ. It may be on the pulpit, it may be in medicine or law or business… there is something you were born to do. You have a passion, you have a calling, you have a purpose, and you have something unique that someone in the world needs. God desires to see you fulfill that purpose, and He is ready to equip you with all it requires. Don’t sit down in confusion; embark on the journey to unveiling and discovering your unique purpose, explore it, enjoy it, engage it, live it, fulfill it. You are helped of God to fulfill your purpose!!!