Only by grace can we enter

Happy Sunday and a day of worship in Spirit, Truth & the Beauty of Holiness🙏🏾 Only by grace can we enter, Only by grace can we stand not by our human endeavour but by the blood of the Lamb. Into Your presence You call us You call us to come. Into Your presence You draw […]
Hallelujah praise the lord

Hallelujah Praise the Lord! Bigger than all the shadows that fall across my path, God is bigger than any mountain that I can or can not see. He’s bigger than all the confusion, bigger than anything; He’s bigger than all my problems, bigger than all my fears; Oh, yes, he’s bigger than all my questions, […]
The steadfast love of God

😃New Week! The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases His mercies never have come to an end. They are new every morning. New every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness, O Lord. Great is Thy faithfulness🙏🏾Then they gave the money, which had been apportioned, into the hands of those who did the work, who had […]
Give thanks ( with a grateful heart)

Give thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the Holy One. Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son and now let the weak say, “I am strong” Let the poor say, “I am rich because of what the Lord has done for us🙏🏾You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, […]
All things are possible

Thank God it’s Friday & The start of a lovely weekend! The spirit of the Lord is moving and He is here with His power, His anointing and grace. There is glory and there is favour. This is your hour is time to arise. So be blessed. Be changed for your time is now🙏🏾Nor is […]
Count your blessings

Hallelujah Praise The Lord! Count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the lord has done🙏🏾Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved. Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed […]
I lift my hands to the coming king

😃 Saturday! I Lift My 🙌🏾to D Coming King to D Great I Am to U I 🎤for You’re D One Who Reigns Within My ❤️& I Will Serve No Foreign God or Any Other Treasure. U’re My Heart’s Desire. Spirit Without Measure. Unto Ur Name. I’ll Bring My Sacrifice🙏🏾& D Angel of D Lord […]
Lord I lift your name on high

😃Sunday! Hallelujah Praise The Lord for a day of worship in Spirit, Truth and the Beauty of Holiness! Lord I lift Your name on high. Lord I love to sing Your praises. I’m so glad You’re in my life. I’m so glad You came to save us. You came from heaven to earth to show […]
Happy new week

😃Happy New Week! You are great yes you are holy one. Walked upon the sea rise the dead. You reign in majesty mighty God. Everything written about You is great. Mighty mighty God Worship You today. Give You all the praise as we lift our hands to You. With pleasure in our heart we raise […]
Trust and obey

Hallelujah Praise The Lord for His love, mercy, favour & grace in November & looking forward to Delightful December with hope & blessed assurance of the Lord’s abundant goodness & love❤️Trust & obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust & obey. When we walk with the Lord in […]